
CountyStart Networks, LLC. has been in business since July 8th, 1998, operating at that time under the name TDCJ Inc. TDCJ was an acronym for "The Darke County Journal". TDCJ, Inc. was originally founded to be an easy to access port to local information in Darke County Ohio. While that same original goal holds true today, our goals have expanded beyond just providing a one county start page. TDCJ, Inc. later purchased the domain name, CountyStart.com, hoping to tie several Miami Valley communities together and strengthen our local online economy.
As the community site became more popular, the domain names CountyStart.net and CountyStart.org were also purchased to protect the name and the idea. CountyStart.net eventually became the company site, while CountyStart.com remained the community website for the Miami Valley. While TDCJ Inc. kept expanding its client base, and improving its services, the name itself remained quite the task to remember and pronounce for clients and prospective clients. Therefore, on March 10th, 2003, CountyStart Networks, LLC was born from TDCJ, Inc. During this change, the firm lost one of it founding members due to a change in personal goals, but the company kept on plugging away.
Six years later, we are still plugging away. We continue to grow and develop new exiciting services for our customers. Our company has developed over 200 sites within the Miami Valley and our projects continue to develop into an attractive and unique portfolio. |